Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Inspiration: Nature Meets Civilization

The Roots

For centuries our man-made world has evolved into a technological concrete jungle that has conquered most of the earth's grounds. It is our shelter, way of life and engine behind our culture.  

But is it also a veil that blinds us more and more from the significance of nature as innovations advance? 

Will humanity grow accustomed to nature being an extinguished part of the earth's past? 

Global warming, chemical pollution in our water systems, endangered species and other nature-threatening occurrences may make us lose hope in preserving our mother planet. However, nature's beauty is still more alive and radiant than ever. We have the power to respect, save and coexist with what's left of our natural home. 

Inspiration thrives from nature within fashion, health and more (even technology). It is the root of our existence and the air we breathe. 

With that being said, it’s only necessary that our concrete jungle be-friends the jungle ;)


By incorporating nature into our daily way of life! The possibilities are endless. Add your favorite houseplants as part of your home decor. Plant a lemon tree, a raspberry bush. Ditch the plan to renovate your backyard into a pool-Jacuzzi-BBQ-lounging- mini golf contraption and grow a garden. It’s simple. It’s important. 

It’s important for our understanding of how vital natural life is to our inner and outer being. 

Below is a hunt+gather collection of the mesmerizing beauty of nature and its placement in our modern world. It's a fascinating combination to get lost in: a tribute to our roots- Mother Nature.

Enjoy :)

*only because this was too cute not to share